Creating Experiences
A Project is made of one or more experiences. An Experience defines which virtual scenes are meant to be shown and how they should be shown, specifically:
- A planar Project can contain one or more Experiences, each defined by the trigger image that will be used to show the virtual scenes
- A spatial Project can contain a single Experience that will show virtual scenes in the real world point the the user will “touch” using his/her mobile device
- A geo located Project can contain one or more Experiences, each defined by a GPS location that will be used to show the virtual scenes
To add a new Experience: Open an existing Project by clicking it in the Projects Manager and click the + button on the right side of the selected project’s Experiences pane. When you create a new Experience you are asked for a name and a description (like it happens for projects) and, depending on the selected Project‘s type, you must also:
- Provide the trigger image if the Experience is for a planar Project: this will be the image that will be detected and where the virtual scene will be attached to
- Provide an image if the Experience is for a spatial Project: in this case the image is only descriptive and does not play any role during the experience from the end user point of view
- Provide GPS coordinates if the Experience is for a geo located Project: this will be the location where the virtual scene will be shown if the user is close enough to that specific location in the real world
You cannot use a Project with only empty experiences, you need to add scenes to experiences first.