On 3 and 4 October 2019 Inglobe Technologies will take part in the XV edition of LuBeC (Lucca Cultural Heritage), the exhibition dedicated to Cultural Heritage and which will focus on innovation in the sector with respect to sustainable management of culture between public and private.
During the two days dedicated to the event, debates, exhibitions and training sessions will take place in 6 areas:
- management models for cultural heritage
- digitization, archives and open data
- cultural heritage and sustainability
- culture and wellness
- museums and innovation
- cultural heritage and Made in Italy
Inglobe Technologies will be involved in the InterAction cultural experience debate.
It is a focus on products and tools to use, enhance and narrate the territories by creating interactive and emotional experiences, which lead the visitor through paths and discover new places, through digital storytelling.
The debate will be coordinated by Marta Piacente, Head of the Promotion and Development Service for Companies of the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca and will include the following speakers:
- Luna Meli, for Hi.Stories
- Marina Samarotto for Xenia
- Massimo Spaggiari for GSnet Italia
- Graziano Terenzi for Inglobe Technologies
- Andrea Tagliasacchi for Unione Comuni Garfagnana
Graziano Terenzi of Inglobe Technologies, who will intervene during Lubec 2019 in collaboration with Massimo Spaggiari of GSNet Italia, anticipates some topics of the speech entitled “Enhancing outdoor cultural sites with Mixed Reality: the case of Circo Maximo Experience“.
“Designing and implementing immersive experiences for outdoor cultural sites is a complex task that requires to handle various technical problems and to simultaneously harmonize different constraints.
The purpose of the speech is to discuss the problems that the use of immersive technologies requires to address as well as the technological options that best lend themselves to their solution, with reference to the remarkable example of the “Circo Maximo Experience“.

“Circo Maximo Experience” is a project of the Capitolina Superintendency for Cultural Heritage, curated by Zetema and developed by GSnet and Inglobe Technologies, which allows visitors to the Circus Maximus in Rome to immerse themselves in the history of the largest entertainment building of all time through Augmented and Virtual Reality, directly within the site.
The discussion will show how it is possible to enhance outdoor cultural sites through new technologies and immersive storytelling, which, unlike indoor sites, present difficult and multiple challenges, which in addition to balancing scientific accuracy, narrative structure and of the entertainment of the visitors, they also include the management of the complex interaction between the technological solution and the physical and environmental context of reference. ”
For more information: https://www.lubec.it/eventi/interaction-cultural-experience