Inglobe will participate in EICS the European Immersive Computing Summit which will be held in Venice, Italy, on March the 22-23 2018.
EICS consists in two days of conferences given by leading figures of the IoT world, important corporation CTO and professionals in the field which will illustrate the most recent technology’s frontiers and their application area.
Conferences are about four different subject matter: “Architecture, Art and Design“, “Entertainment“, “Healthcare” and “Industry 4.0“.
Inglobe will be represented by Alessandro Terenzi, CTO and Co-Founder, who will give a talk in the Industry 4.0 track.
The Talk at EICS
The title of the talk is ?Authoring & Integrating Augmented Reality Experiences for Industry 4.0?, this is the description:
“Terms like Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, Internet of Things are spreading today. When talking about modern manufacturing and production systems in general, they are becoming, without any doubt, baseline but, as a matter of fact, for many decision makers these terms still remains somewhat vague and more often than not implementing such ideas in a real context results in a hard start and in an inevitable failing end which, in turn, results in a waste of time and in missed opportunities. Considering the wideness of the topic, without any presumption of completeness, the speech aims to describe how two of the hottest technologies available today, specifically Augmented Reality (AR) and Remote Assistance (RA), can help companies in implementing Industry 4.0 concepts in a meaningful and effective way. Some of the latest advances in AR will be presented with a particular focus on how they integrate in real production environments. Part of the speech will address crucial topics related to the creation of AR experiences and the integration of AR systems with existing workflows. Finally a few case studies will be discussed along with the lessons learned while implementing AR solutions in real world productive settings.“
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